Rules of Baccarat
Many here know by name the game of “Baccarat” or “Baccarat” in English. But very few people really know the rules of this game, especially played in the VIP squares of land-based casinos.
With the advent of online casinos, Baccarat has become a very popular game. Let’s take a little tour of its history and its rules.
Histoire du Baccara
Un énorme flou existe sur l’origine du Baccara, son nom laisserait penser qu’il est né en Italie et qu’il a été importé aux Etats-Unis avec l’immigration italienne, mais personne n’en est vraiment sûr car plusieurs variantes étaient jouées à l’époque avant que le jeu ait des règles fixes.
Baccara signifie « zéro » en ancien italien. Cette valeur est attribuée aux cartes du Valet, de la Dame et du Roi ainsi qu’à la carte 10.
A la Renaissance, ce jeu est surtout joué dans les cours Européenne, il y est introduit majoritairement en France par des Chevalier revenants des campagnes d’Italie sous Charles VIII. La bourgeoisie s’en empare ensuite après les successives révolutions européennes et enfin, durant l’immigration vers les Etats-Unis le Baccara se propage chez à la haute bourgeoisie des magnat Américains !

How Baccarat works
Your goal is to have the highest possible value.
Cards from Aces to 9 keep their value while, as we mentioned above, Figures and 10 are worth 0! These values add up and whoever has the higher hand wins (which approaches 9).
Example, if you have an 8 and a 9 in your hand you will get a 7 because 8 + 9 = 17 and at this 17 you subtract the ten.
Ultimately, it’s very easy and very quick to play.
There is also the case of natural hands which are directly worth a high value. Suppose you have a 5 and a 4 then you will naturally have a 9 and you will win because natural values have the advantage!

How to play online?
There are two ways to play Baccarat online today: you can play on your computer or tablet / mobile through an online casino or, play live face to face with a real dealer!
You will be able to relive the real thrills of the land-based casino while playing from home or on the go! For that, nothing could be simpler, go to the dedicated section on Privilege Casino!

Example of a Live Baccarat game